Author Topic: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!  (Read 13764 times)


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2010, 06:40:44 PM »
syco you playing wow and not telling us?


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2010, 07:29:09 PM »
Thats an ancient version Syco, the link i have is for the latest version and its for both alliance and horde.
I didnt provide a link because its basically warez and didnt wish to put stuff in public view and risk legal crap with the site.
Should i just link it lads or leave it via pm if any want it?


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2010, 07:42:45 PM »
pm for anyone who wants it


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2010, 08:53:38 AM »
My Shammy is level 14, so almost ready for the random dungeons. Add max? as a friend if you want to be carted around any of the early dungeons and I'll hop on ts with ye.


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2010, 12:40:22 PM »

You've already made up your mind and have it installed, so I can't sway you, however, I do feel compelled to list just one or two valid reasons why the path you are embarking on may not be one you want to stay on forever... 

...after all, I do think that everyone should travel to the lands of Azeroth and experience it for themselves at least once...

...anyway, scroll down there... reasons are below...

In other news, I'm looking for 3 other players to play through Alien Swarm at the weekend, any takers?

70 Reasons NOT to play World of Warcraft

1. Requires at least 1 hour of your time to accomplish anything.
2. Runs can take anywhere from 2 to 5 hours.
3. Causes mass procrastination whilst completing quests and runs causing one to lose friends and connection to your family.
4. Game effects emotions outside the game, for example if you were unable to complete a quest or you died multiple times, your mood throughout the rest of the day is ruined. When you are on a killing spree, the game gives you an adrenaline rush outside the game leaving less energy to be doing something more productive outside the game.
5. Causes obsession over the rise of your character, if you don't do enough damage or heal for high enough, the game requires you to buy new armor and weapons to keep up with your level.
6. Uses a currency in which can be purchased with currency outside the game.
7. Gives you friends inside a game leaving no social interaction to others outside the game.
8. Causes you to rage out upon people outside the game, whilst in an instance and you are fighting/busy.
9. Other people are leveling along with you causing competition between all characters to obtain the highest level and gear.
10. Obtaining new skills and then logging off causes you to think about what the new skills will be like and how to take advantage of the move to improve your gameplay.
11. The ability to jump ingame allows you to do something constantly leaving you to never be bored because you always have the option to jump while doing a quest or while running to a location. Players become addicted to this idea of jumping. Reaching higher locations and looking at other people from a "king" like position. Waiting for raids to start, waiting for important messages from other players. Just plainly the idea to be in motion sustained in the air with one simple key stroke intrigues the average player.
12. A enourmous rage is built within you when you play the game. This rage is caused mostly from killing other players and watching them die as you know you just caused someone frustration as they will have to waste some of their time running back to their corpse to ressurect.
13. The ability to duel and test out your ability to play the game leads you to improve your gameplay against other players leading one to boast about themselves and leads to more addiction as everyone will challenge you.
14. Using cheap tactics of the class' skills leaves your grinning outside the game as you just caused someone a great amount of frustration.
15. The idea of paying ?15.00 a month fades from your mind as the game consumes you.
16. Playing the game anywhere from 1 to 18 hours a day causes guardians outside the game to try and remove the game from you. This causes you to think as if you were in the game and they were simply a leader. You then rage out upon them claiming that you will run away rather than give up playing the game.
17. The game is so much like life outside the game causes you to adore the life inside the game more than the life outside it.
18. As the game is lifelike, using spells and the ability to ressurect leaves you to become more addicted to life in the game rather than outside it.
19. Google "Silverstein wins the Internet".
20. Things done in the game reflect, shape, and change the things done outside the game. The use of currency used within the game changes the way you spend currency outside the game.
21. Anger is built while party members are "afk". You are playing the game and are relying on people who aren't playing the game.
22. Anger and frustration is built when "ganked", and "camped" by much higher level players.
23. Drama is caused within the game when important player's ability to play the game causes loss to every other person in the group or raid.
24. Emotions are released such as guilt and sadness when yelled at inside the game for making a small mistake on accident.
25. The more you play the game, the more you become addicted to the idea of the fantasy world created by Blizzard causing dreams to be reflected on it, dreams of attaining the highest level, best armors, or best weapons.
26. Having a run later in the night consumes you to the point of refusing dates and hanging out with friends just for a chance to improve your character.
27. The entire game is based on chance. Every action done in the game completely relies on the game's ability to flow luck in your direction. For example: Crit Chance, Drop rate, Gold drop rate, Quest item drop rate, Stun Chance, Hit Chance.
28. Gives one the false impression of knowing economics such as lowering the price of an item to make it sell more efficiently. There could be a point where no one in the game buys that item for a year even though you sell it at next to nothing.
29. Goals are subconsiously set such as getting the fastest mount possible having a great effect on the way you play the game.
30. Irregular sleep patterns are installed. Waking up just to play the game. Going to bed late trying to finish a quest.
31. The game slows you down on your way to the top by making your speed of running to be ridiculously slow to the point where it become aggravating and annoying to try and accomplish things in the game.
32. Missing school frequently to attend raids and get new gear in the game.
34. Admiration and Jealousy of high level players causes more competition to try and attain that gear and be able to deal that amount of damage.
35. One becomes an extremely forgetful person, remembering up to only one important thing at a time outside the game, as this is how the game is.
36. The more one plays the game, the more one becomes attached to the game. Obtaining higher levels and items gives one a false sense of satisfaction. A true accomplishment would be for one to become unaddicted from the game once they have reached the highest point attainable.
37. Playing the game accomplishes nothing outside the game.
38. You aquire high standards outside the game. You respond to things exactly in the tone of voice and manner in which you were spoken to.
39. Children that play this game evolve into monsters that are easily angered because the human mind has no patience or discipline until later in life.
40. It is a slow addiction. Players make a vital descision early on at about the 20th or 25th level. They decide "This is boring and I really don't want to waste my time slowly attaining levels." or "Look at how amazing I could become if I spend a lot of time working on my character."
41. One "zones out" at school and at work, obessing and thinking solely about the game.
42. Outside of the game, the only thing that causes one to react are things similar to the game or when spoken to about the game.
43. Fantasies are created by those who play. Imaginations such as "What if I was the leader of a group of 40 people and we all raided the school, we could be unstoppable!"
44. One starts to walk, speak, and function logically similar to their characters in the game.
45. Random things do not happen without someone triggering them in the game. One cannot accomplish anything in the game without playing the game. This gives one a commitment to the game saying to theirself "I'm going to accomplish this and this by tonight."
46. New quests and challenges trigger our mind into the thinking of "This person wants me to do this thing, if I do this thing, I will recieve this and this."
47. The thought of having money causes one to buy everything they can that will somehow improve their character.
48. Numbers... The entire game revolves around numbers. The amount of points of agility an item has. The amount of damage that you can deal at one time. Whether you do one enourmous point of damage, or whether you do an enourmous amount of damage over time. Players seek to have the rise of numbers. The temporary loss of these numbers (Ressurection sickness, Curses, Diseases) frustrate the player as they are even more limited the amount of damage they can deal. This causes the player to beat theirself up for somehow using the incorrect combination of key strokes, or mouse clicks.
49. Lag... Players seek the least amount of latency in the game, if this means spending up to $300.00 a month to have the ultimate internet connection, players will do it. The game relies on efficiency, if one cannot complete a task in a smooth uninterrupted manner, players become the most frustrated out of anything that has been witnessed before. The most frequent angry remark on every game that I've experienced is "Fucking Lag." Every player would stop playing the game if actions slipped from taking no time to over 10 seconds. It's those 10 seconds in which we lose interest and fed up with the idea that you pay $15.00 for the game and you have to sit for 10 seconds waiting for your action to be executed.
50. Ideal play is key to the game. The best of the best addons to improve your overall gameplay and ability to defeat monsters. One must aquire the best video card, processer, mother board and other necesities to have the best ability to play the game. You seek the most effective keyboard and mouse to have the strongest control of the actions of your character.
51. Players that play the game without guilt of hurting other people's feelings anger and frustrate other players and thus defeat the purpose of the game in which is to have fun. (For the most part)
52. The idea of automatic running (Otherwise known as the NumLock key) leave the player in a state of addiction to be checking other things such as email or aim. The player is always in a state of worry (tapping into their adrenaline sugar) as they could be attacked, they could have been knocked off their mount, they could have fallen off the cliff. This causes heavy frustration and further addiction to play the game and not use the NumLock key.
53. After learning that all of your actions can be good or fatal, your entire personality turns reserved. You would rather always stay quiet than speak once in a while about what's really on your mind. You don't have to speak out loud in the game (UNless you're on vent) to accomplish your tasks. Actions such as "tanking", or "pulling" lead you to be in an extremely focused state of mind. One person is effecting the outcome of 39 others. (For the most part warriors)
54. One becomes extremely selfish. Outside the game, one will only make phone calls to inform someone about something. If you are to answer the phone, you expect to be informed of something of heavy importance. You become extremely frustrated if someone calls you just to "chat".
55. One becomes so wrapped up in the idea of using a spell and the spell being executed, that when the action is not performed in the exact manner in which one wants, one becomes frustrated and then rages out upon the game. This frustration is caused because outside the game, anything that you do happens instantly, there are no bugs or glitches outside the game.
56. Playing the game becomes a sense of happiness. If your girlfriend just broke up with you, you play the game and ignore the sadness within. The sadness isn't released by playing the game because you realize that you haven't accomplished anything by playing the game. After playing the game, you return to reality and the misery returns. This is one of the main reasons this game is sometimes referred to as "World of Warcrack". It gives a temporary sense of accomplishment that requires to play more and more to get this "high" that is obtained when playing.
57. You tend to look at things from an entirely new perspective. You think to yourself "What will this task do for me if I complete it?", "If I were to respond in this manner, how would I be effected?", "How could changing this part of my personality help me function better socially?". You never rush into things anymore. Every action you execute requires extreme thought and consideration.
58. The game is something that interests you. Like Pavlov's dog, he is trained specifically to respond to food when a bell is rung. The game does something similar. You use this extreme focus ability that you aquire while playing the game to things that happen outside the game. If you don't happen to like a subject at school, you will tend to daydream and avoid paying attention at all costs. Information is rarely recorded in your mind. However, if the subject is something that interests you, you enter this state of mind in which you absorb everything being said and done. You remember everything that the teacher says and it is imbedded in your mind. You perform with the most excellence in the classes that you are interested in.
59. Once you have established yourself in the game and you have an extreme playstyle that only people like you can compete with, you begin to boast about yourself in a very violent way. If you lose a fight, you rebell against them throwing vulgar insults towards them. You become the worst type of poor sport. You lack all sportsmanship. You whine over everything you do poorly at. You bitch about other peoples mistakes and become an angry person towards everything you do outside the game as well.
60. You become obsessed with the fact that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE in the game. With enough time an effort, anything can be accomplished. The down side to this is that you must rely on other players at time to accomplish some of your goals.
61. Things start to arrouse you more in the game than outside of it. You see large breasts on female characters and you become intrigued with them and start to love them. You have the option of looking at them at any angle you want without pity or guilt of that character looking at what you're looking at. You then become saddened because it is very rare to have such a perfect figure of a girl outside the game. In the game, there are millions of female character. Blizzard specifically designs the models of female characters to addict you further into the game.
62. You never take showers. Your character in the game sustains perfect hygiene by doing nothing. Your character has no acne from doing nothing. You character eats and drinks and never has to clean up. There is no, recooperation period in which you must keep your character at 100%. Your character functions no differently at 1% health than at 100% health.
63. You seek to resolve all of your problems by yourself. You rarely seek for higher administration for help as the admins in the game take anywhere from 10 minutes to 6 hours. This requires you to sit in the game waiting for someone to assist you with your problem further forcing you to play if you want anything done. (Such as reporting a player for verbal abuse or Botting)
64. The keys WASD become the automatic zone that you place your left hand when you touch a keyboard. Your right hand always goes to a mouse. You play SO much that without realizing it, you force yourself to be in the position to play WoW.
65. Another feature that makes you frown upon yourself and simply think in disgust of what you've become is the "/played" feature. You are reminded each time you log in, and whenever you want to view it, how much time you have played your character down to the second. You don't want to see that information while you play the game. You want to be in your small secluded zone with no one telling you that the game is bad for you. No one wants to be told they're destroying themselves when it's something they love.
66. The way that blizzard designs the levelup system is very clever. So many good things happen that you never want to stop leveling up. First of all, a large golden lightning strike is placed over your head as if you're some kind of messiah. You're entire chat is filled with information of how much you've improved and how many points you've gained. Your level number increases. (Top left of screen) Every 2 levelups you are granted the pleasure of learning new skills. If you're level 34 and you just hit 35, you gain almost nothing. This leaves you wanting to attain level 36 to unlock your new abilities and thus be able to better play the game. You are given full health and mana from leveling up as if you were jesus christ when he resurrected.
67. Before you go to bed, you become so forgetful that you start making notes for yourself to complete certain quests, buy certain items, or even remember to go to a raid the next day.
68. To play to the maximum point, you begin drinking energy drinks that temporarily boost your senses and allow you to not feel sleepiness untill you stop drinking it.
69. You believe a false hope when you accomplish things in game because when you're outside of the game, your personality starts to match the one in the game. You believe you are the king of things. You are right about everything. You know all. If you are wrong, you automatically become defensive and make up an excuse for not knowing the correct answer.
70. Finally, the last reason that you should not play World of Warcraft is that this game truly destroys your life, please do not fall for Blizzards tactics to consume you into the game. I know from previous experience that this game WILL destroy you. If you are going to play, play in moderation. Limit yourself to playing a maximum of 3 days a week. Never play the game any more than 6 hours at a time. After you finish playing, always try to do something productive like jogging a mile to make up for playing the game. I will admit, that I do still play the game, but simply for pleasure. Never use World of Warcraft as something to do when you're feeling down. Speak your feelings, never contain them inside, because in the long run, these emotions will come back and haunt you.


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2010, 12:56:09 PM »
You've already made up your mind and have it installed, so I can't sway you, however, I do feel compelled to list just one or two valid reasons why the path you are embarking on may not be one you want to stay on forever... 

...after all, I do think that everyone should travel to the lands of Azeroth and experience it for themselves at least once...

...anyway, scroll down there... reasons are below...

In other news, I'm looking for 3 other players to play through Alien Swarm at the weekend, any takers?

Thats funny Luc.
Anyhow Im actually quite enjoying the game even if some of the quests are fairly basic and I still dont know if Im prepared or have the time to actually reach the higher levels before I get bored.Gonna give it a month or so and see what happens.


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2010, 01:25:51 PM »
ah, tis good, you'll enjoy it... for a while ;P)


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2010, 01:27:57 PM »
Bugger, heading to southy land on Fri otherwise I'd join you Tony. Ask Fran.

Those anti-wow reasons aren't a joke, all true.


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2010, 09:07:10 PM »


In other news, I'm looking for 3 other players to play through Alien Swarm at the weekend, any takers?

Just downloading it now.Whats yer steam name?


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #24 on: July 24, 2010, 08:24:25 PM »
Yeah it looks quite funky .I must also install this:)


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2010, 11:25:32 AM »
Try this out for the lols

asw_hide_marine 1
asw_controls 0

heres the result :)


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2010, 10:34:05 AM »
lol Cully, that's class.  Getting SC2 today?  Enjoy, might pick it up myself.

hellrazer: lucutusofborg, add meh!


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2010, 02:49:19 PM »
Played Alien Swarm over the weekend and had a riot. Great little game. I'll keep an eye out for you online.


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2010, 03:28:35 PM »
Cool molc, do!


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Re: Damn you TiG WoW fuppers!!!!
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2010, 05:53:01 PM »
Gah. Got my pre-paid WoW game card in the post. Seems I need the full game. Seems by "full game", they mean that I have to have paid for the full game, as opposed to having the full game installed. Meh. 5 days of trial left. Does my account disappear then, or will it still be around until I get paid on the 9th, so I'll have money to buy the fecking thing?