let me set the scene for you.......
.....so there i was with 155* kills and no deaths on siege of ke sahn. I'd just shot dark for the 154th time and was feelin pretty good about myself so I made my way from the roadblock over to the fishing village to see what else I could shoot as i came across a tunnel entrance. So i got out me trusty car15 with grenade launcher and fired a grenade. A direct hit but the tunnel refused to blow, it just sat back havin a smoke laughin at me. So in goes another grenade and I fire again, and this is when the funny shit happens.
As the grenade was in the air on its merry way to the tunnel two nva lads(i think one was Brendy) spawned at the tunnel. I could have sworn one of them turned around and looked something like ':shock:' before they were momentarily launched into the space race.
*may not be actula kill rate