Author Topic: TiG BF2 Movie...  (Read 4038 times)


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2005, 01:26:23 PM »
Don't put heavy metal music in it. Totally destroys it  :cry:


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2005, 01:34:41 PM »
lol, i guess....


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2005, 01:36:02 PM »

@monger: 6800 GT, can run full details :)


a szene idea!
A Full BH incoming to an enemy main base, at the same time 2 jeeps or buggys arrive there. BH is shooting and killing 4-5 infs while a buggy runover kills another 2 hiding from the BH.
BH is hit by a stinger,second one grounds by the flairs.
While BH guards the air the jeeps go and blast the artillery and com buildings, seconds after all arrived we are gone again, you see us drive away, others spawn after their 15 sec penality (8-10 people spawn in a timeframe of 1-2 seconds). They run around seeking us but we are gone. 1 dies due to a claymore on thje ground, another one goes into a vehicle and BOOOM we AT mined it.. but - we are already at the next real base ..


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2005, 01:44:15 PM »
cool, if the gfx look good then thats sweet.

once we have all the materials, then we can work on the polt.



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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2005, 01:49:14 PM »
Suggestion for Theme Music - Theme from Boondock Saints. Captures the "irishness" and it's already proven to work nicely with gun fights :)


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2005, 01:49:57 PM »
cool, if you have it could u upload it to plz


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2005, 01:53:35 PM »

music sure is important but must also fit to the storyline somehow... we need more story...

more szenes..


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2005, 01:58:28 PM »
Warmonger: I have the DVD at  home so I'll try to find an appropriate scene and get the soundtrack for it.

Konzul: Totally agree. Personally I'd go with one of the close action cities. Have a squad fighting and losing against a deending force. Then as they are pulling back to a bridge or wall have a chopper pop up behind them (of the same team) with the camera looking at it as it fires on the opposing team. At that point stamp [TiG] on the screen or something. Just a little scene - take or leave it.


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2005, 02:29:45 PM »
yeah, but thing is see, we cant make it too long, i think that we should have the movie last the length of one of the tracks proposed...

true, i get what ur saying.

my idea for a story is: (first draft plz present like this)
1. you see a team of Spec Ops moving towards the mosque in masstur. they are very fast and cover each other well. (real Gi)

2. you see a large MEC force defending the mosque, tanks and stuff. *sniper on the roof of the mosque* the force is well settled.

3. Spec ops ppl see the large force and one of them moves very swiftly to the back of the building looking from the west at the mosque.

4. Spec ops enters, sees that there is a MEC looking towards the mosque (with Ak), Spec Ops takes out knife. Closer, closer, closer. MEC man knifed

5. Spec ops runs up stairs and uses the comms,

" This the *delta lead* requesting Barrage on masstur   Mosque, grid coordiates follow-"

"negative delta lead, artillary strike currently unavalable, proceed as orederd"

6. looking at delta squad that are crouched just out of sight but can still see part of the mosque we hear " Delta lead to delta squad, form up on my location, prepare for ambush"

7. Delta pulls back and moves into the same building  as delta lead, they climb the stairs (we don't see that), they lie down and start taking aim.

8. MEC sniper spots delta, (see see from next to him  ), we hear the MEC saying the enemey spotted thing, then the whole of the defending force starts shooting at Delta, Sniper kills 2 members of Delta  
9. we look at the BH full of guys, we hear Delta head requesting armoured air support, the BH takes off.

8. we see delta getting shot at again. lots of near misses, one of delta takes the sinper down.

10. the BH arrives and starts shooting big time, both gunns, kills all the MEC that are just standign arround shooting at Delta.

11. Delta pulls back and goes round the back to approach the mosque from the north east,

12. we delta storm the mosque, while one of the deltas moves to the south to put down C4.

13. delta caps the point

14. we see the city from the BH perspective (BH hoverng high up), then cam turns arround and we see lots of MEC comething towards the point, Tanks and Vodniks and intantery,

15. CAM zooms in on the attackers, Cam zooms into one of the vodniks or a tank and once it is big on the screen, Movie Ends.....

16. credits

just my idea



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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2005, 02:50:24 PM »
don't forget we have 2 BFV movies we made here .-


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2005, 02:54:22 PM »
i have download one of them and im Dl'ing the other.

who recorded the first ones?


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2005, 05:15:57 PM »

not bad warmonger...

but i would want to make a lengthy movie like 1-3 minutes of combined action.. all those 20 seconds are just teasers in my view...


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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2005, 06:13:19 PM »
hummm, i donno, we could try something quick as see how it goes then maby move on to somethig longer. after all we could combine this one (if it comes about) with others to make a longer one. you also have to think of the download times...



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TiG BF2 Movie...
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2005, 06:27:35 PM »
how about as above, cept the BH gets taken down and you see a lone soldier sitting in a building, surviving an arty around him, camera pans back and you see about 40+ mecs moving in on the area with all sorts of weapons, tanks, etc..  camera pans to face of lone soldier, he doesnt see the incoming force, locks and loads his gun, and does a butch cassidy and sundance kid effort and runs out, camera freezes, you hear lots of gun fire.. fades to black.


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« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2005, 07:22:56 PM »

I've got u by the balls now!!

If u black ball me again I'll ask Jenny over
and show her your comment about Shania.

I would never say anything like that!!!



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