your port forwarding/firewall so, steam have a list of ports needed specifically for MW2 on their site...check that maybe...
Aye. Did port forwarding on my router, so in-game my NAT was "open", but that led to epic fail: couldn't connect to any servers. Switched off the port forwarding, and in-game my NAT was back to "strict", but I was able to connect to servers again. I'm finding that if it shows mulitiple attempts to connect, it's usually because the server I'm trying to connect to is full :/
As for the firewall, have all ports open, "game mode" on, and a few other tricks I found online (it seems everyone with bitdefender is having the same problem as me) helped me connect.
Meh. Have gotten that heartbeat sensor, but have not found a map it's of any use for: using the RPD and holographic sight is proving to be better. Have recently gotten the MP-4 (I think) which is epic, even with iron sights. Probably going to ignore the heartbeat sensor, and just get better sniper/machine guns.
Just got this today. Haven't got to play it yet. Anyone up for some of this tonight?
What's your name on Steam? Is it still Suppafly? If so, I'll join ya when i'm next online. That 's the one (and only?) good thing about the way the game does online play: easy to find yer mates online.